Monday, July 14, 2008

Holy hysterical gun myths!

Spike TV has a show on DEA operations in Detroit, and this trailer on the agents weapons training made me laugh out loud. Sayeth one agent:
"traffickers here prefer a AK47 . . loaded with teflon tips which can penetrate almost anything."

Then he says that the AK47 rifle that he's holding is:
"this is America's new pistol."

Good grief. They let these guys handle weapons? Someone ought to point out to the DEA that the teflon-tip-bullets-pierce-body armor myth was debunked quite some time ago, and that maybe a little research into the matter would prevent one of your agents from sounding like a moron. Oh, and that rifles in general are rarely used in crime, much less the AK47, and that rifles should not be confused for pistols.


  1. Cut him some slack. Maybe he just got back from doing drug busts in Africa?...

  2. least they're not using the big bad ".22 magnum" eh? >.<

  3. True. Let's hope the DEA and ATF stay in the dark about the fact that the .22 Mag will penetrate body armor and car doors because ABC news would do a ridiculous scare piece on the dangers of "rimfire assault weapons."

  4. Agencies that propagate such 'pap' only hurt their own credibility. The public then loses confidence in them and that hurts everyone!
