Friday, June 27, 2008

Surveillance cameras don't stop crime?

Surely you jest?
"Portions of the attack were caught on a surveillance camera outside a towing company on the city's east side. Police said the videotape shows passing cars slowing to watch three teens attack Waters until he staggered into the parking lot, where he was assisted by employees of the towing company."
Well of course they just watched. People are told over and over again to not get involved and to just call the police. Be good little witnesses and don't get involved, or you might get hurt. I don't even understand why cities pay for cameras these days when most crimes are caught on some passerby's cell phone.
"It was just horrifying the way he looked," said Marlo Massey, Waters' sister, who saw her brother's body after the attack. "They beat him to death and I just can't stop thinking what was on his mind while it was happening."
I know what would be on mind. Here's something interesting:
"The pack mentality going on in the city of Cleveland must end," police Commander Calvin Williams said Thursday at a news conference where he urged the attackers to come forward.
Actually, the good citizens of Cleveland appear to be in need of some pack mentality. Then this story might have ended with the thugs getting the beating instead of a homeless man.

Somehow I doubt that the thugs will "come forward."

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