Tuesday, June 17, 2008

South Carolina reciprocity!!

It's about time! From the VCDL, which you should be signed up for their outstanding alert system regardless of your state of residence, comes this message (It was emailed to me and has not hit their website yet):

The Governor of South Carolina has just signed a bill that will open up reciprocity to any state that honors South Carolina!

The law becomes effective IMMEDIATELY and is now in force.

Virginia ALREADY honors South Carolina, so formal reciprocity should be a slam-dunk!!!

HOWEVER, it is not in affect yet. So **DO NOT carry concealed** in South Carolina until I put the word out (Virginia and South Carolina have to sign a reciprocity agreement first).

I have left a voice message with Tom Lambert who does reciprocity work for the Virginia State Police. Hopefully the State Police will jump on this quickly.

As soon as we can begin carrying, there will be an alert going out to let you know.

Many thanks to Jim Mullins, my counterpart in the West Virginia Citizens Defense League (wvcdl.org), for staying on top of this and letting me know the new law was coming.

And of course, a big thanks to the gun organizations in South Carolina for continuing to fight for this law tirelessly over the years!
VCDL is getting some new hardware and software. The VCDL site will be down for a while tonight and the VA-ALERT list server will down for a while, too.

Good stuff!!

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