Thursday, April 3, 2008

Power Tripping

At least they're coming out and saying it. Click here to see a video clip of DC Mayor Fenty talk about DC's new slogan appropriately called "Create your own power trip." What an apposite slogan for the bureaucratic elite in Washington to create.

I'm just speachless.

Interesting quote from the clip:
"..four concepts including; that Washington is the seat of power, has soul power, can make a power play, and also has fire power.."

So your supposed to create your own power trip, Eh? Hell, you didn't need a slogan to say that, these guys created their power trip years ago, complete with their own firepower!

Actually, I think firepower is the key to the slogan, because in order to "create your own power trip," you need to have a monopoly on the firepower.

Take Mayor Fenty for example. He created his power trip with help of the police who, with the exception of the gangs, have all of the firepower.

Hopefully the Heller case will bring about the destruction of the DC gun ban, giving the good citizens of DC the opportunity to have their own firepower, and thus their own power trip.

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